N-Ewes from Hopeful Shetlands

Saturday, May 15, 2010

And Still More Lambs

On the 13th Gil and I went out to the barn to find that 6 lambies had been born overnight. All were just a few hours old but dried off and had full tummies. Problem was we put the whole flock in over night because of the cold and rain, so now we had to find out who belonged to who and get the other sheep outside. Gil of course, had a meltdown and stormed out. When he cam back a few minutes later, we isolated all the moms to one pen and then tossed in all the lambs and let them do the sorting for us. Perfect solution. One young ewe totally abandoned her little guy but he was adopted by Josephine. She is now feeding three. We had a disappointment later that afternoon when two beautifully marked brothers were born and turned out to be blind. The one lamb was showing signs of polio, so vitamins were started but so far neither one has regained much vision. The one can see shadows only and the other can't see at all. I am going to bell their mother so that when I let them out, they wil be able to find her. Enjoy the pics of my first group of newbies for that day.


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